Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Garden Breakfast: Kale & Squash Blossom Omelette

So in one of my garden boxes, I just let whatever was in the compost sprout. That turned out to be squash, squash, tomatoes, squash, tomatillos, squash, squash, and squash. Though most of the squash are winter ones (I think?) they are still producing a huge amount of the fragile, tasty delicacies that are squash blossoms. Squash blossoms are a great reward of having a garden - they're expensive to buy and not of the best quality, since they start to wilt as soon as you've picked them. Grow your own, and eat like people pay to in restaurants.

I wake up, I'm hungry, I go out to the garden and pick the stuff that needs picking. Good heavens, that's a lot of greens. Stay tuned for greens recipes.


  • 5-6 eggs
  • 2 cups squash blossoms (if you don't press them down)
  • a good handful of kale or other green
  • a shallot or small onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • some kind of sharp cheese; I used cotija, I've also had good results with goat cheese. Feta would work nicely.
  • Whatever else you get from the garden that day. I used broccoli. You could use tomatoes. Really it is hard to go wrong.

Mince the garlic and the shallot. Fry in oil or butter until transparent.

Add the squash blossoms. Fry on medium heat until wilted and soft.

Push the vegetables out of the pan and crack the eggs into it. (Or you could mix them eggs up beforehand; I like the contrast of yolk and white that you get if you break the yolks after they've started to cook. You'll want to make sure the pan is not too hot.

Once the eggs have turned opaque but have not yet finished cooking, lay the cooked vegetables down in a line on one side of the eggs.

Wash the kale or greens and lay a layer of leaves over the top of the squash blossoms. Let the heat soften them a little bit, then put on your last layer of vegetables - here, broccoli. Sprinkle on some sharp cheese.

Gently fold over the top of the omelette and let it cook until set. Serve with hot sauce.

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